I’m Piotr Staszewski, though on the internets I go by the nick dRbiG, for reasons long lost in the primordial soup of 14.4k dial-ups. Feel free to check the following:
Some projects I’ve contributed to:
- Cataclysm: DDA - post-apocalyptic rouge-like
- Camlistore - ‘your personal storage system for life’
- i3-wm - a very decent tiling window manager
You can contact me, in order of preference:
- On IRC at FreeNode or IRCNet
- By E-Mail at p.staszewski@gmail.com
- On Twitter, if you insist
I’ve ditched Facebook (and the general idea as expressed by such sites) completely a year ago. As far as social and web I’m there on Reddit. And if anything I’d rather see everyone had their own federated wiki.